Institutul Justiției Constituționale

Materialele Conferintei științifico-practice naționale din 13 octombrie 2023 „Neutralitatea Republicii Moldova – paradigmă cu valoare constituțională”

Editorial team:

Editorial address: per. Andrei Doga nr.4. MD-2024, mun. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Contact details: tel.: 078824719, e-mail:

KUCIUK Valeriu, Doctor of Law, University Lecturer, Editor-in-Chief, Republic of Moldova

IACUB Irina, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Deputy. Ch. editor, Republic of Moldova

COSTACHI Gheorghe, academician, doctor of law, professor, Republic of Moldova

AVORNIC Gheorghe, Doctor of Law, Professor, Republic of Moldova

BUJOR Valeriu, Doctor of Law, Professor, Republic of Moldova

POPA Dumitru, Doctor of Law, Professor, Dean, Romania

BÎRGĂU Mihail, Doctor of Law, Professor, Republic of Moldova

PAVLOVSCHI Stanislav, ex-judge of the European Court of Human Rights

PULBERE Dumitru, ex-chairman of the Constitutional Court, Republic of Moldova

RAILEAN Petru, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, ex-judge of the Constitutional Court, Republic of Moldova

ZAPOROJAN Veaceslav, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, ex-judge of the Constitutional Court, Republic of Moldova

STEPANIUC Victor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Republic of Moldova

MIDRIGAN Pavel, Doctor of Political Sciences, University Lecturer, Republic of Moldova

Technical editor, IT: TOPILIN Dumitru