at the National Scientific-Practical Conference on October 13, 2023
“The neutrality of the Republic of Moldova
– a paradigm with constitutional value”
Dear Sir or Madam,
We cordially invite you to our Conference “The neutrality of the Republic of Moldova – a paradigm with constitutional value” organized by the Institute of Constitutional Justice in partnership with the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, the University of European Political and Economic Studies “Constantin Stere” and the Institute of Criminal Sciences and Applied Criminology. The event will take place at the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, on 13 October 2023, Chișinău, street 31 august 1989 nr.78 (block 2, Hall of Arts and Maps).
You are kindly invited to participate in our conference as a plenary speaker or participant. It will be a cross-fertilization networking event regarding the most important aspects about neutrality of Republic of Moldova.
Deadline to register for the event: October 10, 2023.
The conference materials will be edited in a special edition. The requirements for the publication of materials can be accessed by following the link
Official language of the event: Moldavian, Russian, English.
We hope you will accept our invitation and look forward to your participation.
We are open for future collaboration in areas of mutual interest.
More information about the technical requirements for publication and other useful information can be found on the project website: If you have any other questions about the event, you can contact us at:
email: , tel. +(373)78824719.