Information Notice
For all interested persons,
Public Association “Institute of Constitutional Justice”
in partnership with:
National Library of the Republic of Moldova,
University of European Political and Economic Studies “Constantin Stere” and
Institute of Criminal Sciences and Applied Criminology
organize a Scientific-Practical Conference
“The neutrality of the Republic of Moldova – a paradigm with constitutional value”
Date and venue: The conference will take place on October 13th, 2023
in the premises of the National Library of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, 31 August 1989 street no. 78 (block 2, Hall of Arts and Maps)
- The conference is included in the National Register of scientific events for the year 2023 – .
- Scientific reports and communications will be published later in the conference proceedings.
- The conference will be organized in a mixed format (physical and online presence).
- Registration deadline 10.10.23.
- No participation fee is required.
- Languages of conference proceedings: Moldavian, Russian and English.
More information about the technical requirements for publication and other useful information can be found on the website: .
Contact details:
email: ,
phone nr: +(373)78824719.